3 Item
Catagory Essential Products

O2 Stone

Rs. 1500/-

O2Stone- Calculi Remover. Benefits: O2 Stone is formula for the treatment of Urolithiosis & Cholelithiosis, reduces urine burning, pelvic pain (Colic Pain & sacral pain) and non specific UTIs (urine track infections). It is a registered brand and has shown excellent and satisfactory results in

O2Stone- Calculi Remover. Benefits: O2 Stone is formula for the treatment of Urolithiosis & Cholelithiosis, reduces urine burning, pelvic pain (Colic Pain & sacral pain) and non specific UTIs (urine track infections). It is a registered brand and has shown excellent and satisfactory results in treatment of Urolithiosis & Cholaithiosis and in treating urinary calculi. Dosage:Take 1 to 2 tea spoonful in the Morning and Evening on Empty stomach with plenty of water or As Directed By Physician. AVOID DIET: Brinjal,cashewnut,cucumber,sapota (chikoo),cauliflower,tomato,palak and fatty food.


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