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Catagory Addiction Free


Rs. 1999/-

Antadict Powder [200gm]. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Antadict Powder helps to control and suppress the appetite for alcohol, cigarette, drugs and other bad habits. Ancient herbs like Arjun Chal, Aswagandha and other herbs will help to reduce lungs infections and will boost immunity. More than 13 ancie

Antadict Powder [200gm]. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Antadict Powder helps to control and suppress the appetite for alcohol, cigarette, drugs and other bad habits. Ancient herbs like Arjun Chal, Aswagandha and other herbs will help to reduce lungs infections and will boost immunity. More than 13 ancient herbs used in Antadict powder acts as a liver tonic by stimulating regenration of liver tissues and also increases the ability of liver to fight off the toxins in our body thus helping in regaining a sound health. Direction of use : Take 1 Tea spoon or 3 gms of antadict powder and mix with water or Milk and drink twice a day. This antadict powder is protected to use for the patients with diabetes and circulatory strain and not with standing for patients with heart illness.


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