3 Item
Catagory Beauty Care

Facial Scrub

Rs. 599/-

Facial Scrub-Massage Scrub [100gms]. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Facial scrub repairs your skin by rejuvenating your skin cells, reduces acne breakouts and eventually gives you a spot free clear skin. Direction of use : Wash your face with a gentle cleanser to remove topical (top layer dust) dirt and g

Facial Scrub-Massage Scrub [100gms]. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Facial scrub repairs your skin by rejuvenating your skin cells, reduces acne breakouts and eventually gives you a spot free clear skin. Direction of use : Wash your face with a gentle cleanser to remove topical (top layer dust) dirt and grime. Take out a little scrub in your palm and start applying on a small section of your face like chin or forehead. Move fingers upward-outwards in small circular motion. Scrub your face well and wash your face with clean water.


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