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Catagory Slim Care

Slim Care

Rs. 1599/-

Slim Care. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Slim capsules are 100% Ayurvedic medicine, which have no any side effect. Ayushman Slimming capsules are made with fat burning herbs like Garcinia, Guggulu. Slim capsules help you to regain the original body shape, helps to reduce fat and detoxify the digestive sy

Slim Care. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Slim capsules are 100% Ayurvedic medicine, which have no any side effect. Ayushman Slimming capsules are made with fat burning herbs like Garcinia, Guggulu. Slim capsules help you to regain the original body shape, helps to reduce fat and detoxify the digestive system. Direction of use : Two capsules thrice a day or As Directed by Vaidhya. Ingredients : Each 500mg Capsule Contains Extracts from natural and ancient Ayurvedic herbs.


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