3 Item
Catagory Slim Care

Green Tea

Rs. 299/-

reen Tea [100gms]. Enjoy your cup of good health with the taste of pure green tea. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Green Tea. The antioxidants and vitamins extracted from our Green tea formula is great for helping to fight disease and infections, protect against oxidative stress and lowers the risk of chron

Green Tea [100gms]. Enjoy your cup of good health with the taste of pure green tea. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Green Tea. The antioxidants and vitamins extracted from our Green tea formula is great for helping to fight disease and infections, protect against oxidative stress and lowers the risk of chronic disease. Also helps to Increase the Immunity levels. Direction of use : Take 5 grams of Green Tea and mix with hot water. Also add honey & Lime Juice for better results.


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