3 Item
Catagory Beauty Care

Facial Pack

Rs. 799/-

Facial Pack- Massage Pack [100gms]. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Face pack helps to reduce wrinkles, pimples, dark circles and acne. Using the right face pack that suits the skin type makes the skin fairer, cleaner and much smoother. The Herbal Face Pack offered by us is processed by our experts using

Facial Pack- Massage Pack [100gms]. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Face pack helps to reduce wrinkles, pimples, dark circles and acne. Using the right face pack that suits the skin type makes the skin fairer, cleaner and much smoother. The Herbal Face Pack offered by us is processed by our experts using natural ingredients chandana, manjista and carrot seed. Manjistha and Chandana helps to restore a youthful appearance of the deprived skin by stimulating the blood circulation while supporting detoxification, thus restoring the biological functions of the skin. Direction of use : First, clean your face with your usual cleanser. Apply sufficient pack in a thin and even layer around your entire face. Be careful and avoid your eyes and lips. You can also extend the layer to your neck and décolletage. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm, not hot, water. Use a soft washcloth for easier removal.


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