3 Item
Catagory Personal Care

New Look Cream

Rs. 699/-

New Look [100gms]. Face cream. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Herbals New Look fairness cream contains ancient Ayurvedic recipe with herbs like Kanyasara, Manjista helps to impart fairness and lifts the skin color giving a vibrant and glowing skin. Helps to control Pimples, acne, Black spots etc.. Direct

New Look [100gms]. Face cream. GreatOxy’s Ayushman Herbals New Look fairness cream contains ancient Ayurvedic recipe with herbs like Kanyasara, Manjista helps to impart fairness and lifts the skin color giving a vibrant and glowing skin. Helps to control Pimples, acne, Black spots etc.. Direction of use : First, clean your face with your usual cleanser. Apply sufficient face cream twice day. Massage well with your fingertips for better results.


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$329 $400

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